Artificial Intelligence Ethics Micro-Credential

Price: $2,000.00


**The certificate is open for registration with immediate access to all courses.

So, your organization has decided to adopt some AI technology. That’s great! From analytics to productivity to simple in-browser chatbots, AI can provide powerful ways to pursue your organization’s interests and to create value for your clients and customers. But maybe you’re worried about all the AI ethics scandals you keep hearing about—privacy violations, biased algorithms, job-killing automation, autonomous vehicles causing road accidents… that’s not the kind of thing you want your organization to be known for. How does one even start to develop ethical AI?

This micro-credential equips you with the advanced competencies and essential knowledge that the market requires for the growing AI industry focused on ethical oversight and governance. This online, on-demand micro-credential is the first of its kind in Canada and globally.

According to a new IBM survey on the importance of AI ethics, building trustworthy AI is perceived as a strategic differentiator and organizations are beginning to implement AI ethics mechanisms.

  • More than three-quarters of business leaders surveyed this year agree AI ethics is important to their organizations, up from about 50% in 2018.
  • At the same time, 75% of respondents believe ethics is a source of competitive differentiation, and more than 67% of respondents that view AI and AI ethics as important indicate their organizations outperform their peers in sustainability, social responsibility, and diversity and inclusion.

"AI is in fact different than other technologies, and this gives greater importance to AI’s risks and ethical dimensions... our research shows that the ethical risks of AI are top of mind for both businesses and consumers." (Deloitte)

PowerED™ is thrilled to develop this micro-credential in collaboration with business leader, Ethically Aligned AI Inc., ensuring a direct connection to industry and an applicability that will impact business immediately. This micro-credential consists of four core courses where you are introduced to the basics of AI ethics, AI data and ethical considerations, AI models and ethical design, and roboethics.

Courses are designed to be completed in two weeks and are delivered asynchronously providing you ultimate flexibility. This micro-credential takes you from theory to practice through work-integrated learning with experiential simulations. You will interact with AI characters in virtual, work-based scenarios, applying newly developed skills to progress through challenges. You’ll receive feedback throughout the simulation and a final, summative assessment once completed.

You will earn digital badges for each course completed, plus a certificate upon completion of all four courses. Courses can be taken separately but it is highly recommended to take them in the recommended order. Take advantage of preferred pricing by registering for all four courses in the micro-credential.

CPHR Alberta

CPHR Alberta members are eligible for a preferred registration rate plus 48 CPD hours upon successful completion of the certificate. Members should register through the CPHR Alberta member page.

Certificate Requirements

The four courses in the AI Ethics Micro-Credential include:

AI Ethics: An Introduction

“The world hasn’t had that many technologies that are both promising, and dangerous” - Bill Gates

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already impacting our lives in ways we don’t always see. AI technology is being deployed in many domains, from autonomous vehicles to the Internet of Things (IoT),to a wide range of AI enabled algorithms and robots. Organizations are rushing to embrace the promise and possibilities of an AI-enabled future. AI is estimated to be a $13T global market by 2030. (McKinsey)

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AI Ethics: Data

"Data is the new oil." - Clive Humby, Mathematician

Data is a necessary input for AI systems. In our digitally connected world it's virtually impossible to go through a day without generating data. Yet, the use of big data to fuel AI raises a number of ethical concerns. There are questions around the protection of privacy and the creation of a surveillance culture in the over collection of data. It's not clear whether or not we can adequately consent to the use of our personal data given the onslaught and opacity of digital terms and conditions agreements. There are also issues that arise from historically biased, incomplete or unrepresentative datasets that lead to harmful outcomes the disproportionately impact marginalized communities. This course explores the role of data in the development of AI systems and outlines ways in which we can apply better data ethics principles and practices.

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AI Ethics: Machine Learning Models

"Models are opinions embedded in mathematics." - Cathy O'Neil, Weapons of Math Destruction

Technology is not neutral. There are many human choices that go into the design of any technology, including machine learning models. Choices are made about the type of model to use, which features should be included or excluded and what things should be "optimized" for in the model. Ultimately, AI is constructed by people. The fact that some AI systems are unexplainable "black boxes" is a design choice. This course provides context for how machine learning models actually work and tackles the question of how these models can be designed in ways that better align with core ethical principles.

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AI Ethics: Roboethics

"We are approaching a time when machines will be able to outperform humans at almost any task...if machines are capable of doing almost any work humans can do, what will humans do?" - Moshe Vardi, Computer Scientist

Robots, or embodied AI, add another dimension to the ethical discussion around AI systems. Our relationship to robots in the west has a long history of dystopian imagery. Early automation made people fear for their jobs and their humanity. These fears are surfacing once again as we move to embrace AI enabled robots in a wide array of contexts. In this course, we'll explore how we can think about our relationship to embodied AI. Can a robot be our friend? Should a robot have rights? Will we choose to become cyborgs, or part robot? This course explores both today's realities when it comes to AI enabled robots while pushing the boundaries to consider possible future scenarios.

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How It Works

Certificate Access
180 days

16-20 hours per course

Online, On-Demand



What You'll Learn

This certificate will cultivate ethical thinking as it pertains to the growing world of artificial intelligence, help you understand some of the ethical values that inform AI ethics, and equip you to use abstract ethical theories and principles in cases where the rules are not clear.

Who Will Benefit

  • Technologists developing AI-powered implementations for their organizations or their customers.
  • Managers coordinating development teams in the creation of AI-powered systems and training of employees or customers in their use.
  • Executives interested in learning about ethical design of AI technologies in order to set the values of their companies.
  • Any member of an organization in a technology ethics officer role.
  • General learners curious about AI ethics.

Featured Leaders

Katrina Ingram

Katrina Ingram is the Founder and CEO of Ethically Aligned AI, a company focused on helping organizations to drive better outcomes in the design, development and deployment of AI systems. A seasoned executive, Katrina has over two decades of experience running both not for profit and corporate organizations in the technology and media sectors. She is a member of IEEE, and volunteers with several AI ethics organizations including Women in AI and Ethics (WAIE), For Humanity and All Tech is Human. Katrina holds an undergrad in business administration from Simon Fraser University and a master of arts in communications and technology from the University of Alberta. She combines her love of audio and interest in AI as the host of the podcast, AI4Society Dialogues.

Trystan Goetze

Trystan S. Goetze, Ph.D. (he/they/she), is a Canadian philosopher, ethicist, and writer. His research is about moral responsibility and epistemic injustice, as well as topics in AI ethics and computer ethics generally. They are currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Embedded EthiCS programme at Harvard University. The programme works with philosophers and computer scientists to integrate ethics lessons into the computer science curriculum. In his spare time, Trystan designs and plays tabletop roleplaying games. Learn more about Trystan’s work at or on Twitter @ErrantCanadian.

Certificate FAQs

Is this an instructor-led certificate?

The courses within this certificate are designed to be self-paced with all materials you need for successful completion contained within the learning platform. The certificate has been designed by subject matter experts and each course includes interviews with leading experts, aligned to the course outcomes. The certificate is an immersive experience that includes a mix of content including video introductions and video content, impactful readings, learning checks, and interactive elements – all which can be completed at your own pace.

How much time will I need to spend?

Each course is structured to be completed at your own pace over a two-week period. You will be spending approximately 8 – 12 hours of time per week on content. Should you need more time, the learning environment may be available for 90 days to complete each course. You can complete all of the courses within 3 – 6 months to earn your certificate.

Do I have to be online at a certain time of day?

No, you do not have to be online at a specific time. You complete the coursework at the times and places that fits your schedule. Each course is designed for working professionals who are balancing their work, family and community commitments.

When do I start?

You can start your first course as soon as you register for the certificate! You will automatically be directed to the interactive learning environment.

How long will I have access to my courses?

Each course will require 16-20 hours to complete. You will have 180 days access from the time of registration to complete all four courses in the certificate.

What will I receive after I complete all of my courses?

You will receive a digital certificate of completion that is downloadable and printable. Digital badges are also awarded for specific achievements throughout the certificate.

What is the refund policy?

No refunds will be issued for the certificate. Refunds may be considered under exceptional circumstances on a case-by-case basis. Please contact for more information.

Are there tests or quizzes involved?

There will be activities, assignments, and short quizzes within each course to ensure you understand the content. All quizzes are designed to be accessible and easy to complete by engaging in the content. Within each module, you will have the answers to each evaluation.

What are the computer requirements for this certificate?

You should have access to a Mac, PC, or tablet with an Internet connection, with Safari, Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox as a browser. Here is a link that outlines browser support:

For virtual sessions:

  • Speakers/headphones
  • Web camera and microphone

Learners that want to use their smart phone to access the courses can also download the D2L Pulse App for free to access the course available on Google Play:

Or the Apple App Store:

Does this certificate have prerequisites?

This certificate does not have a required prerequisite.

Who do I contact if I need help?

You can contact for assistance with any questions you may have. We are here to help!

PowerED™ Advantage

Digital learning for maximum flexibility

On-demand enrolment

Content developed by faculty and industry experts

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Price: $2,000.00